Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

2006 - a Brief Summary

We never did a Christmas card last year. I figured I could just summarize the year here and anyone who is really missing one of those "Christmas Letters" can just read this.

Jan - 2006 - John went back to Cleveland to be with his mother. At Christmas they learned she had cancer and only a few weeks to live. She died on January 19th and was buried on John's birthday - the 27th. Jack looked at me when I told him Gaga was gone and said, "On, Mom, now Dad is an orphan." Wow, never would have thought of that but I guess he was right.

February - 2006 - took the kids to KY and John drove down from Cleveland to see my mother. Her health was finally giving out after 35 years of fighting - cancer, MS, cancer again and complications from the treatments years ago. Everyone got to say goodbye. Lindsay sat with her almost all day. When John's mom died I joked with my mother and said, "You've got to give me at least a month in between funerals." She died exactly 4 weeks after John's mother on the 16th. How wierd is that? The last week with her was a real gift - just sitting with her and caring for her. I miss her every day. She had planned her entire funeral already - music, readings, everything - what a gift. If you ever think about it - this is the best thing you could do for your family. I promised her I would take care of my Dad and call him everyday. Of course, he lives in KY and I am in CO so I call almost everyday but I don't do that good of a job on the taking care. He's hanging in there though.d

May 2006 - Lindsay graduate from high school. My Dad and brother came and we had a big party for her at the house. It was fun. She was accepted to art school in Georgia so we were all excited about this.

June - went to Canyon Ranch in AZ for a little badly needed R&R and a little greiving about Mama. Work had really had me too busy to stop and ponder my loss. My what a loss. She really was an amazing person. Always so positive and smiling despite all her troubles.

July - took Lindsay to orientation. Didn't go all that well but she still went on to school in September.

November - Lindsay came home from school. Made the Dean's List but decided she did not like being so far away from home. We had some conflict from this point through the end of the year. I hope we are back on track with each other - but sometimes it is hard to tell.

Throughout the year work kept me way too busy. We really didn't take a vacation and I was stressed a lot fo the year. John continues to stay home and take care of the house and kids. A busy full time job I assure you. He is coaching Jack's soccer team and one of the scout leaders. Mac and Jack are both Irish Dancers. Other than that we've tried to cut back on some of the after school activities to slow downt he pace of life a bit.

It was an exhausting year both personally and professionally. Here's hoping that 2007 which is already almost 1/4 over is much better.

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