Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Going to school again

I signed up for an online writing class. The course is in writing short stories - literary fiction. I am waiting for my first response from the teacher and wondering how that is going to feel. I just recently started writing again. It has been 20 some odd years. I hope I can handle the criticism. Its funny how comfortable you can get with the way you are. Feedback or what is perceived as criticism can be tough. When you are one of the top executives in a company people stop giving you "feedback". You start thinking you don't need to change anything. Which is a lie you tell yourself. So i am looking for the feedback with an open mind. I should get some feedback tomorrow.

I am also thinking about going back to school to study something different than business/accounting. Feeling the need to grow and learn something new. Its hard to break away from what I have been doing for the past 20 or so years. It seems like going to school would provide more discipline around moving on to something new. After all, if I spend the money for the classes then I will feel compelled to do the work and follow through instead of just thinking about it or talking about it.

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