Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I just went to the specialty meat market to get some steaks. I always ask them to cut my filets because I like the smaller than they come pre-cut. Its way to much meat for a person to eat an 8 oz filet. So I asked the guy for 2 - 6 oz and 3-4 oz. filets. So as far as my math goes that's 24 oz. which makes 1.5 pounds. He hands me the package and I go up to pay and look down and its 2.1 pounds. So that's about $13 more than what I asked for. Its aggravating. Then I end up looking like a complainer or a cheapo if I take them back and ask for what I asked for in the first place.

In reflecting on it on the way home, I think they must train them all to measure heavy. When I ask for my sliced turkey - half pound, its always over "just a little". Is it a conspiracy? Or am I just to exacting?

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