Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Post for Mark Irvin

I am writing this for a friend of my husband's who was hoping to find some discussion about sex here on my blog. Since my 18 year old has this blog address too, there's not likely to be a lot of sex talk here. I will say this - my husband emailed me an article from forbes.com about this 10 year study in Europe that indicated that people who had more sex were healthier. We decided that we should have more sex. Sadly though since we read the article and agreed that we should have more, we've actually had so much other stuff going on that we've had less. I wonder if it takes the thrill out of it if you just put in "the calendar". Then I think that just proves that I am way to obessed with organizing and scheduling and "getting things done". So Mark Irvin, if you read this - give me some suggestions on how to solve this dilema. Or anybody else for that matter because we want to have better health.


Anonymous said...

go to forbes.com search for sex pull the article "Is sex still necessary"?
You'll stay healthier;)

Anonymous said...

Stop talking about it and just go for it. Its time you tore off a piece of JC. Don't hesitate - go for it now.

Anonymous said...

Sick mom...just sick

don't wanna know about that...ever

you two...are gross