Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thoughts on Alexander Green's "Beyond Wealth" - Perenialist's Philosophy

1.Everything worthwhile in life is created as the result of love and concern for others. (I really felt this on my recent trip to Africa)

2. Humanity is one great family. Our similarities are deep, our differences superficial.(if only the people who represent us in Washington understood this)

3. The Golden Rule, expressed in some way in every society, is the cornerstone of human understanding.

4. The giving of time, money, support, and encouragement can never be detrimental to the giver. (Give freely and without expectation)

5. Problems are life's way of getting the best out of us. They are opportunities to grow.(this was affirmed most directly on my recent climb on Kili with the MS and PD team members)

6. Nourish your mind with the thoughts of history's wisest thinkers. (Not the drivel in today's shallow media)

7. Courage and self-awareness are required to live fully and follow your heart. (this requires a lot of work)

8. You should develop the ability to reason accurately and independently rather than accepting ideas boased solely on authority or tradition. (we need to teach our children this especially)

9. Our egos cause us to cherish opinions, judge others, and rationalize our beliefs.

10. We should exercise humility. Not because others find it attractive but because, if we are honest with ourselves, we have much to be humble about.

11. We should practice forgiveness. When we forgive others, we find that others forgive us - and that we forgive ourselves. (this seems to be a really hard one for most people)

12. Moral development comes from strengthening our impulse control, prioritizing personal relationships, and fostering social responsibility. (impulses are constantly fed by today's media making it harder and harder to control them - think about this and teach your kids to do the same)

13. Our lives are immeasurably improved by expressing gratitude and generosity. (What are you grateful for today? make a list)

14. Development of the heart is essential. Our actions are the mirror of our inner selves. (guard your heart too much and your relationships will be shallow leading to a hollow life)

15. Whenever we act, we are never just doing. We are always becoming. If we aren't growing, we are diminishing. (Grow every day)

16. Integrity is everything. (So many in our society seem to have forgotten this.)

Much of this may seem like common sense but it is so much harder to live this in practice in the world in which we live. Constantly bombarded by media coverage that seeks to raise conflict and fear we are tested daily on whether or not we can live with courage the life we were meant to lead. In many ways it all comes down to stripping away so much of the unnecessary attachments both material and mental we have in our lives today.

Live life with courage. Live the life you were meant to lead. Don't wake up years from now and realize that you've squandered your life focused on all the wrong things. Its people and relationships that really matter. Seek them out and make them rich.

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