Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A better night

We were finally able to get my Dad comfortable and resting and he got a better nights sleep (so did I). He only got up twice. This morning he woke up and wanted to sit up on the edge of the bed. He ate a little yogurt for breakfast and was much more lucid. We talked for a bit and I sat next to him on the bed and put my arm around him. He is an amazingly strong man.

1 comment:

Alix said...

Hi Martha,

I left here Friday afternoon and had forgotten to send you the phone numbers for chartering a plane. I do have those numbers if you would like them but see that your brother is there with you now...I am so glad that he is. You're right in saying that family is more important and I'm glad your brother feels the same way. Since you didn't mention Kathy I don't know if she was able to make it or not. My prayers are with you, your brother and your Dad. If he must leave this earth I pray that it is a peaceful passing. Hugs to you, Alix