Wandering around my Mind

You never know what you might find here.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Better Day - somewhat

Today I took my Dad in for his blood work and then we came back home and waited for a fax rather than sitting in the doctor's office for 2 hours waiting. The results were pretty good in that he doesn't need a transfusion today and will probably make it through the weekend until his appointment on Monday.

The bad news is that his Blast percentage is continuing to increase. This is a reading that indicates the number of immature white cells in the blood and is an indicator of leukemia. His blast percentage has climbed for each of the last three blood tests and is now 45%. They say that a reading above 20% is an indication of leukemia. So we think this has probably turned in to leukemia. I am not really sure what that means in terms of a prognosis. I mean we know he doesn't have a lot of time but we don't know if its a week, a month or several months.

He wanted me to drive by the cemetery yesterday to my mother's grave. When we stopped there he showed me where he wanted his tombstone to be - right behind my mother's. It made me cry but he said these are things we have to talk about and I agreed. It still made me sad. It makes me sad now just thinking about it.

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